The breakdown of how I want this to work is each month has a theme. More than likely I will find a theme that matches with a holiday in that month. For example, May is Mother's Day and Memorial Day. For the first part of the month, I am doing the "One Tough Mother" virtual race featuring Rosie the Riveter in her iconic pose with the words "We Can Do It." This is a half marathon that I expect to be able to complete in a week and a half of walking. At the end of the month, I will be doing a medal dedicated to the men and women of the military who lost their lives called "Remember the Fallen." It has a great medal showing a soldier kneeling with a flag behind him. A dog tag hangs from the medal with the words, "All gave some, some gave all." I will be doing this medal as a half marathon as well. One of the great things about the virtual race sites is they donate a portion of the money to a charity that the medal represents. During the in-between days and weeks when I'm not working toward a specific medal, I will be doing mileage that goes toward my 200 mile challenge. My goal is to do those 200 miles before the end of the year. It seems like a huge number, but when you break it down my months, it really is not that bad. This medal is sentimental to the journey I am on and my fitness motto, "She Believed She Could, So She Did."
This to me is motivation. Yes, it will eat away at some of my monthly budget, but like I said before, this is important. This is a matter of life and death in fact. My health determines if I spend my time on this planet living fully alive or sitting in front of my TV watching my life get shorter with each passing day. Everyone has to find their motivation if they intend to succeed at their health goals. It just so happens I'm not so unlike most women I guess; I do love bling.

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